The Firm
The Attorneys
Marco Maccalli
Ennio Pezzoli
Marcello Varini
Fabrizio Lettieri
Alessandro Daino
The Activities
Contacts & Forms
The Firm
The Attorneys
Marco Maccalli
Ennio Pezzoli
Marcello Varini
Fabrizio Lettieri
Alessandro Daino
The Activities
Contacts & Forms
Maccali & Pezzoli | Links
brevetti,marchi,copyright,protezione software,proprietà intellettuale,proprietà industriale,patent,trademark,copyright,software protection,intellectual property,industrial property
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Italian Patent and Tradmark Office (UIBM)
Institute of Professional Representatives before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office
Milan Chamber of Commerce
European Patent Office (EPO)
Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO)
Chineese Patent and Trademark Office (SIPO)
Japanease Patent and Trademark Office (JPO)
Korean Patent and Trademark Office (KIPRIS)
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual property (AIPPI)
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